Assembly, trees, context free language, what's going on?
Hi everyone, in this week we'll dive deep in Episode 61 of the Software Engineering Radio, where they discuss the internals of GCC. A compiler collection designed to be used for many diverse languages such as Java, C, Fortran, C++, amongst many others. It was a very dense podcast, with lots of information to process which I just think furthermore proves just how complex compiler design is. You must listen very carefully as invited guest Morgan Deters explains the main concepts. Basically there are three layers underneath the GCC compiler, the front end, middle end and back end, each in charge of a different phase of the compilation process, the frond end provides an interface for each of the languages that I've mentioned earlier, constructing an internal tree with all the reserved words and operands that are to be found in the plain text code. You could say that during this first stage, the compiler is going through the semantic analysis phase, placing a node for each of the...