Compilers... What do I get out of it
Hello everyone, in today's blog we'll be discussing an article written by author Saumya Debray. In this article Saumya states the importance of learning compiler design for a computer science student, I found myself very related to how he says that as students we often see this class as knowledge that won't do much for us in our professional lives, since I really don't see myself designing and coding compilers for a living. But it is quite interesting to change perspective on the matter with this article, see it as practices and knowledge to be used universally, not only to design a compiler but to any form of translation. Personally the one example that stood out the most to me was the database implemented for hospitals in which they would use a query system based on natural language. This could be something very useful under a lot of situations and for starters making it easier for a doctor to do their job. The whole process behind it and how Saumya explains it made...